Friday, March 14, 2014

March 13

Katrina dropped James off for a few hours today and Karen was able to spend a lot of time with him which I think was great for her.  I was able to spend a little time with him as well at lunch.  It's always nice to see his smiling face.

Karen said he tried to throw a bit of a tantrum today.  She just looked at him and said, "You think that's going to work with me?"  After that he stopped and sat up.  Not sure if he realized mommy couldn't pick him up or if she wasn't going to put up with it.  Either way he is a smart kid.  Karen and I are in for some interesting times when he gets older.

Karen's parents had to go home today though her mom made dinner for us before she left.  Karen is able to eat a lot more than she could last week.  After dinner we headed over to visit Becca.  Karen was so tired she couldn't hold Becca.  Because she was so tired we only stayed for about a half hour and then left.  Karen practically went straight to bed afterwards.  In a lot of ways she is stronger than a few weeks ago but she still has a long way to go.


  1. Oh how I love these kid pictures. Thank you for keeping up on these posts. My girls remember Karen and Becca in every prayer. Rooting for you all. <3 Ruthann

  2. Tell them thanks. We appreciate everything everyone is doing for us.

  3. Such cute, cute kids! Hope things continue to go well!
