Wednesday, August 31, 2016

August and onward

Once again I haven't posted for an entire month.  The month started with me using a cane to get around and is ending with me only limping slightly due to the knee surgery.  Taking care of two toddlers by myself would have been impossible for me alone.  Looking back I can see so many reasons why Karen and I were unable to find a house.  There may yet be more reasons.  I am grateful for family and friends helping out.

August 9th would have been our 15th wedding anniversary.  The week before was filled with a lot of reflection on our life and time together.  Karen's family had a family reunion August 5th and 6th so I was able to spend some time with them remembering her and on the 9th we went out to eat.  One of Karen's sisters that wasn't around for the last dinner was able to attend this one.  That night also happened to be her anniversary as well.

Saturday the 13th was a singles conference that I attended.  I hadn't expected it to be so emotional for me but my mind was still focused in the past.  It was a very good experience to be able to mingle with others but in some ways my heart wasn't into meeting new people after having all those memories flood through me for the previous week.

Having to get around with a cane made for an interesting time.  I offered to drive a group of people the hour to and from the conference.  It kept my spirits up to have people laughing in the car.  I don't think they realize how much their good spirits helped me out that day.  Gratefully, I am feeling and doing much better almost 3 weeks later.

My knee has been healing and it is getting easier to spend time with the kids and not having to worry about them hitting a tender spot.  James and Becca still ask if they can 'touch this leg' while pointing to my good leg.  They are so earnest about it that I can't help but smile whenever they ask, "Touch this leg?"

For now I am trying to get back into life.  The piano lessons I began last month are starting to bear fruit allowing me to passably play through a couple of simplified hymns.  My activity level has been reduced significantly and I am trying to work gym time back into my schedule.  The news that I will probably need a total knee replacement in 10 years along with the advice to give up running and basketball has gotten me thinking about road biking and swimming.  So I am researching a good road bike that will last, go fast, and be fun to ride.  Unfortunately cheap probably isn't compatible with that list.

During the last month my social life has been on hold.  I feel like after Labor Day my knee should be healed enough so I can resume my feeble attempts at dating.  It's a lot different than it was 15 years ago though a lot of that is probably me changing and having a different set of worries this time around.  It still amazes me the ripple effects of having kids.  They are great to have around and always make life interesting.  Now, if I could just figure out my plan for tomorrow that would be great!
