Monday, April 7, 2014

April 6

James was able to stay at our house Saturday night.  He is still a very happy little boy.  Nothing seems to really phase him.  Sunday morning when I went to get him out of bed around 7:30 he just looked up at me and smiled.  When I went to get him after his morning nap he was standing in the crib and grinned and laughed at me the moment I opened the door.

Sunday we went to visit Becca in the evening.  We gave her a bath and fed her a little from the bottle.  The only thing she really needs to do is take all of her meals through the bottle and she can go home with us.

Monday Karen goes in for another chemo treatment.  This past week she has had a lot more energy and has been to be up and around a lot.  She still gets tired easily but it isn't nearly as bad as it was.  She recovers well and can walk between 100-150 yards at a stretch.  That may not sound like much but she was having a hard time walking down the hallway or getting up from a chair.


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